Research has shown that, when a job contender fronts up to an interview panel, most panel members make up their mind about the candidate’s suitability within seconds.
Memo to job seekers: yes, first impressions do count. Memo to interviewers: it’s your job to do some active listening.
Listening is one of the most critical, and perhaps underutilised, skills in communicating effectively. Here are some tips from the University of California (Berkeley) website.
1. Use non-verbal communication. Be aware of what you communicate with your body; your posture and expressions can convey your attitudes toward a speaker even before you say one word. Use body language to show the speaker that you are engaged in the conversation and open to hearing.
2. Recognize your own prejudices. Be aware of your own feelings toward the speaker. If you are unsure about what the speaker means, ask for clarification instead of making assumptions.
3. Listen to understand the underlying feelings. Use your heart as well as your mind to understand the speaker. Notice how something is said as well as the actual words used.
4. Don't interrupt: Be sure you think carefully before you speak. As a listener, your job is to help the speaker express himself.
5. Don't judge the person: A speaker who feels you are making judgments will feel defensive. Avoid making judgments and instead try to empathize and understand the speaker's perspective.
6. Do not give advice: Keep in mind that the best resolutions are those that people arrive at themselves, not what someone else tells them to do. If you feel it is appropriate, and only after you have encouraged the person to talk, offer some ideas and discuss them.
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