Happy to announce that Alan ‘Max’ Metrick, until recently communications director for the US Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), has rejoined the New York-based PR Consulting Group as managing director. Ten years ago, PRCG became Jackson Wells Morris’ first overseas affiliate, and we quickly developed an excellent working relationship with Max and PRCG president, Jim Haggerty. Max was co-founder of PRCG, a niche firm best known for its work in litigation communications, services marketing and public affairs. He has been at the centre of more public issues and high-profile court battles than most. "We’re lucky to get him back," says Haggerty, "and we expect his addition will mean great things for our legal, marketing and public affairs clients." Amongst other initiatives, Max completely repositioned and rebranded the NRDC and designed an email based activist network that has been helpful in some of its important victories. In the litigation arena, Max was involved in historic litigation against Peabody Coal over the draining of ancient aquifers, brought on behalf of the Hopi Indian tribe of Black Mesa in Arizona.
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