Trevor Cook
17 April 2006
Daily comments on PR, media and related stuff
Microsoft Vista: Is your PC compliant?
When is consumer protection really over-regulation?
Aussie Web 2.0 Unconference et BlogHer with Dave Winer
17 Apr 2006 09:05:18
Is your IT department the real enemy?
a shel of my former self. In case you hadn’t heard about it, some companies have begun blocking RSS feeds at the firewall. The rationale for this short-sighted, counterproductive bit of paranoid stupidity ranges from bandwidth worries to productivity concerns. Exactly, IT departments have strengthened their control over their internal systems in recent years. Now, they have to let go because we're entering the era of the user as controller. If IT departments don't let go - the HUGE productivity gains to be had from things like RSS feeds and aggregators will be lost. OTH, I continue to be amazed...
Rubel decides to broaden his world view, starts by reading book by NYT columnist
Micro Persuasion: Those of us who live in the United States sometimes forget that the majority of the world's population lives beyond our borders. I am one of them. So, now that I am part of a global firm, I am committed to broadening my worldview to, well, the world. My first order of business is to start reading Thomas L. Friedman's book, The World Is Flat. My timing is excellent since a new expanded and updated version recently hit the stores. Ya just gotta love New Yorkers.
Trevor Cook
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Tam Vuong:
Dear Trevor, Good to see your coverage of the...
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Trevor Cook:
Thanks Ben, I have corrected. It was before the...
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Benjamin Haslem:
Trev, minor point but Peter Shack was not the S...
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Add the NBN to Medicare and compulsory superannuation
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