It includes lots of new stuff on second life, wikis, twitter, facebook and more. As usual its free and feedback is greatly appreciated. If you like it, circulate it far and wide. Share the enthusiasm! Download .pdf, 1.8mb
Fantastic stuff Trevor - not only useful and up to date... but also free! Rock on :)
Posted by: James Farmer | 20 June 2007 at 10:24 AM
Great work Trevor! We will spread the word :)
Posted by: Shifted Pixels | 20 June 2007 at 11:54 AM
Trevor and Lee,
Thanks so much for your efforts. Glad to help spread the word!
Posted by: Dave Donohue | 21 June 2007 at 11:06 AM
....Cook & Morris gather a welter of datapoints in their updated e-book. Among the most interesting are the "potted histories" of Enterprise 2.0-style initiatives at major companies....
[from Social Computing Magazine, June 21]
Posted by: Jeremy Geelan | 22 June 2007 at 05:22 PM
Great doucment, and kudos to you for giving it away, as opposed to selling or publishing it. My one bit of feedback:
You don't earn the title "Why is podcasting so popular?" I'd recommend you deploy some facts indicating the popularity of podcasts, contextualizing them against the popularity of blogs.
Posted by: Darren | 22 June 2007 at 06:46 PM
Sorry, more feedback. Frankly, it's misleading to start the Second Life section with the figure about "25,000 people making a profit each month", when 20K of those people are making less than US $50 per month. I'm also wondering about the 13K who make less than US $10 a month--does that take their monthly SL fees into consideration? If so, then that nullifies their profit, doesn't it?
On all fronts--blogs, podcast, SL--I'd like to see more commentary and stats on ROI. I'm unconvinced that there's reliably ROI from SL yet, so I'd like to read some unbiased opinions on the pro and con side of that.
Posted by: Darren | 22 June 2007 at 07:01 PM
Thanks Darren - good point about the podcasting section I'll be sure to pick that up next time, cheers
Posted by: Trevor Cook | 22 June 2007 at 08:00 PM