The last leadership challenge by Rudd in February 2012 was brutal.
A lot of people in the ALP believe that Rudd deliberately undermined Gillard's campaign in the 2010 election.
A lot tof the hatred of Rudd inside the ALP stems from his behaviour after he got dumped.
We're talking real hatred here not just the rough and tumble of some ambitious people.
How would they work together?
This is just a few samples of what is on the public record imagine what they really think?
Asked if she blamed Mr Rudd for derailing her election campaign, Mr Gillard said: ''The 2010 election was sabotaged … we were in a winning position in that campaign until the sabotage that knocked that campaign very, very solidly.''
When asked how he found Rudd as prime minister, Shorten replied: “I’m supporting Julia Gillard, that in itself speaks volumes.”
Wayne Swan (February 2012):
(Swan) said the Labor Party had given Mr Rudd every opportunity, but he wasted them with his "dysfunctional decision making and his deeply demeaning attitude towards other people including our caucus colleagues".
Mr Swan said Mr Rudd had placed his own interests ahead of those of the broader labour movement "and that needs to stop".
"The Labor Party is not about a person, it's about a purpose. That's something Prime Minister Gillard has always known in her heart but something Kevin Rudd has never understood," Mr Swan said.
"He was the Party's biggest beneficiary then its biggest critic; but never a loyal or selfless example of its values and objectives.
"For the interests of the labour movement and of working people, there is too much at stake in our economy and in the political debate for the interests of the labour movement and working people to be damaged by somebody who does not hold any Labor values."
“For somebody to be engaged in destabilising and giving Tony Abbott a chance to win the last election is an absolute disgrace,” Senator Conroy told the Nine Network.
He said Mr Rudd had “contempt for the cabinet, contempt for cabinet members, contempt for the caucus, contempt for the parliament”.
“And ultimately what brought him down a year or two ago was the Australian public realised he had contempt for them as well,” Senator Conroy said.
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said Mr Rudd has been exposed as a "complete and utter fraud".
"He has been pretending that he supported the pre-commitment technology, pretending he supported reform in this area. But his key numbers man just happened to have two meetings and tell Clubs Australia that he would kill it," he said.
"The constant undermining, the constant leaking, the constant publication of lists claiming to be Rudd supporters has damaged the Government," he said.
"No question at all. It’s no surprise to see this sort of damage being done by the Rudd camp because this is exactly what happened during the last election.
"Everybody remembers the sabotage that went on in the first two weeks of the last election campaign.
Former Attorney- General, Nicola Roxon:
“We need to get out of this idea that Kevin is a messiah that will lead us to the next election,” Ms Roxon told ABC News 24.
“We need to lance this boil.”
Environment Minister Tony Burke said Mr Rudd had been undermining the government for more than a year, but the government had made the mistake of not explaining his failings as prime minister.
“It became chaotic, the chaos, the undermining, the temperament that started to develop, the micro-management where no one other than the prime minister could make a decision,” he told the Seven Network
Human Services Minister Brendan O'Connor said during her time as Labor leader, Ms Gillard had had “to fight on two fronts - to combat Tony Abbott and, unfortunately, also internally Kevin Rudd and a number of people supporting him”.
He said said there had been “unbelievable” leaks during the 2010 election campaign against Ms Gillard and hence the Labor party.
“That is unprecedented in Labor's history, that we would have leaks coming out of cabinet to target the then-prime minister during an election campaign, to aid and abet Tony Abbott to win the 2010 election,” Mr O'Connor told Sky News.
“That destabilisation, that treachery has gone on now for varying degrees for the last 18 months.”
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